How to change ERC20 $BDO to HECO $BDO
The first step get $BDO. $BDO list on uniswap.
$BDO Contract : 0xadb795aaaec1339598bf360f033d723697450452
Step Two you need register Befull App for exchange from ERC20 to HECO
Befull app:
Befull App frontpageRegister PageIf you register successfully, you can login and try to transfer $BDO to Befull App Wallet.
click “Deposit” into deposit pageYou can Deposit $BDO to Befull App wallet address for exchange. Befull App wallet address: 0x75647Fda6e1BeCb3f86D22E0290cd86fd0d9313AAfter your $BDO deposit into wallet address, you must be submit deposit form on befull app. Transaction ID is transaction hash.If you process successful. App will show $BDO amount to wallet page.Step Three is withdraw $BDO to support HECO wallet (e.g. tokenpocket, metamask) |
click “withdraw" into withdraw pageYou must add withdraw wallet addressclick here for add wallet addressplease select “HECO” type and input your heco wallet addressclick “Create the addrss”get verification code from your register email addressclick “Submit” for withdrawIf you successful, $BDO amount will show on your wallet.